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WE THE COLLATERAL is run by Katja Starke, an artist based in the Wellington region.
With WE THE COLLATERAL I create participatory, multi-layered art events that connect people and communities.
In my mahi I combine the whimsical (an oracle of junk, a whispering bike, the click-clacking of brightly colored typewriters, a washing line full of wooden pegs on a footpath) with engaging people around what is deeply meaningful to them (their life lessons or lockdown stories, straight-from-the-heart compliments to others, a letter to a loved one) Words and stories are central to my projects, which come alive through participation of the public.
I’m keen on accessibility so tend to run free public events and installations that are enjoyed by all ages. Often outside, sometimes roaming, always in a public setting.
I've earnt an MA English Literature from Amsterdam University, studied Creative Writing and Directing at Wittenberg University in the USA and have a Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Theatre from Victoria University in Pōneke/Wellington. My mahi has been presented at Arts Festivals including CubaDupa, PARK!, the Hawkes Bay Arts Festival, the Nelson Arts Festival, various Fringe Festivals and in many public indoor and outdoor spaces all over Aotearoa New Zealand.
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